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Out From the Shadows

From passion and pleasure,
not necessarily love, we are
born into the world of our makers
only to some day die.

In between, somehow, it is up to
us to find love and happiness the
best way we can while trying
to not live a lie.

The struggle, it seems, is part of
unsolicited life - with a promise
of rewards as we journey the path
to our final destination.

But not anywhere is it promised that
we will succeed in whatever it was
we were sent here to do, only to be
snuffed without hesitation.

If a thousand years is but a day to
God, the length of my life is merely
a second,  which means I am not
worthy of a minute.

Also, it means I've got but a very
short time to emerge from out of the
shadows and face the mistake of my
parents and mend it.

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