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 A Soldiers Verse      108433 Poems Read

That Time Of Year.

Far across the sea in exotic countries and distant lands,
Even here at home and just down the street.
Everyone is preparing for it.
It's coming.
Making arrangements and buying provisions,
Checking that all is up to scratch.
Not wanting to be caught in the rush,
Yet inevitably it happens.
There's no escaping it and you can't deny it,
It'll happen weather you want it to or not.
It's almost here,
Almost upon us.
Still your tongue and prick your ears,
For you will hear the distant sound of choirs.
Singing joyously of feasting and gifts,
That comes but only once a year.
Choruses sung of the fat man in the red suit,
Bringing happiness to children the world over.
Songs of Angels and radiant light,
Giving hope and love to those who have strayed to the shadows.

This is when one sits and thinks,
Of that which is dear to him. (Or her)
Close family and loved ones that have stood by them,
And old friends long since past.

Memories cherished and moments blessed,
With laughter and smiles all over.
Then catching up with family and friends,
To make new memories and moments to favour.

So enjoy your Christmas and have some fun,
And always try to remember,
No matter where you are or what you're doing,
I'll be enjoying my Christmas too. ;-)

By: Heath G. Schofield

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