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My Spirit Guide

He said, "In order to be prosperous
you sometimes have to go out on
the proverbial limb.

The sun is setting. You must learn to
take willful chances in life, or succumb
to its mundane struggles to the end."

Willful chances, I asked? He said,
"yes, the kind that you do on your
own. You've been taking random
chances everyday of your life, so
far, since the day you were born."

"The trick is to be focused, like a
steely-eyed wolf stalking its prey.
You have to keep all your attention
on what you want to accomplish
every day."

I said, "why are you telling me this?'
He said, "because you have been doing
it all wrong. The chances that you take
are riddled with mistakes. You know you
don't have many chances left to get it
right before you go home."

"Start by looking in the mirror. Stare
in your own eyes and what do you see?
There must be a look of stern determ-
ination and the confidence to take the
bull by the horns and face reality."

I wondered, "where are these thoughts
coming from? It is Sunday for heaven's
sake. I really don't take life too
seriously on  that day...much less
ponder on my foolish mistakes."

I made it to the rest room that morning,
shuffling sluggishly from the party of the
night before. The mirror sets to the back
of my bathroom wall about four feet after
opening the door.

I slowly walked up to the looking glass
with my head bent slightly down. I wanted
to steal a quick glance and surprise the
one looking back. It was my way of grabbing
the bull by the horns and taking a willful
chance...to see the things I lacked.

It certainly wasn't bloodshot eyes.

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