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My God May Damn You

I've always heard it said that one
is part of the problem if not part
of the solution.

In the political war of words in-
action is merely part of the
rhetorical pollution.

If you don't mean what you say
then you should call it a day...in
the way you run your governments.

There is no room for mistakes no
mater how long it takes when deal-
in with an enemy that desecrates
my God's covenants.

Repetition of prayers is frowned
upon by God, down on your haunches
three times a day crying out loud...

Destroy America! Now I've heard
it all. When our hard fought free-
dom was won, where was your god?

I'm not too worried on this end as far
as giving a damn goes. I know I'm
fighting for the right side...from my
head down to my toes.

When you get too exalted, thinking
Alla is on your side,...try to remember
that Lucifer was condemned to hell for
his pride.

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