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FREE App For Survivors of Life (Updated)

I have created an Android App mainly for Abuse Survivors but ALL Survivors of Life are welcome. It has been tweaked and Updated.


A Page From The App (IF you find this helpful, give the App a try...Hate-Free Zone!)

"Did You Lose Yourself in an Abusive Relationship?"

Did You Lose Yourself in an Abusive Relationship?

Let me be the first to admit that I did. Having a traumatic past and being naive led me to be charmed by a Narcissist. Ironically, I learned the term in a counseling session after I left him.

This Article sheds light on Self-Discovery after Narcissistic Abuse.


What is Love Bombing?

My Definition: When someone showers you with unearned, inappropriate, overwhelming adoration to inflate your self-esteem and self worth to gain your trust-only to deflate it all at a well-planned time.

Signs of Love Bombing:

1. Saying "I Love You" too soon.

Sadly, most women will fall for this one easily for we have been taught to covet those words. We have been conditioned to place value in them and the person saying it, without backing them up with long-term actions.

2. Freely and spending money on you without "openly" asking you to do anything in return.

They'll say things like, "You deserve it" to justify their odd behavior. They love putting you on pedestals that they build, setting you up.

3. Showing up unannounced in your personal space: your home, your job or wherever.

They might claim to be totally enamored and inspired by you that they can't "help themselves but to shower you with tender lies and pretty snares.

There's way more signs but those stand out to me.

It's truly overwhelming to be loved bombed by a Narcissist. I wish that I knew about this Personality Disorder before I fell for his infectious charm.


When I initially wrote this Article, I was in the midst of picking up the pieces and it was extremely painful. I didn't understand why such drastic steps of betrayal were taken at first but I have an inkling now. To put it simply, two broken people don't mix!

I've trusted in Yahweh to bring me out of it and it's payed off!  I'm Happy to say that He was and still is My Everything.

I surround myself with supportive, positive and like-minded people. I also don't go without a day praying and reading God's Word.

If this sounds like you, please don't be ashamed. You did nothing wrong so forgive yourself for being blinded by your abuser's game.

You might want to seek revenge after being abused but it's not worth it. Don't give your abuser any more of you than they've selfishly taken. The best revenge is finding you by leaving them!

A great way to Rediscover Self is taking a look at the link below.


The Questionnaire prompts you to answer various facts (pieces) that uniquely identify you. Give it a try and let me know how you did.

I pray that this Article was helpful in your journey. If so, feel free to Browse more Articles.

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