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BEWARE OF ALL THINGS HALLOWEEN!! Understand that ANY attempt to "Christian-ize" Halloween ONLY reinforces the Satanic Rituals of this month! The enemy has done a Great job in normalizing the very things that go against God. No matter how much you love dressing up as a cute bunny rabbit and get high off chocolates, your energy is still being used in the sick & evil things that will take place on the day. I DON'T say these things to instill fear but to encourage common sense. The Spirit World DOES exist that includes good & bad spirits. The time of Ignorance is over and it's time to move wisely.

WARNING: The poem below does depict an attempted assault and slight violence in defense. DON'T let this be you!

Tricking Your Treat

Innocence crushed with his weight
She always wanted to wait
Poisoned candies she just ate
It was a quarter past 8

His "Yes" drowned out her "No's"
She prayed that no one would know
as he tightened the rope's knots, branding his "forget me nots."

It became a bloody sight,
as traces were left on-site.
His distraction was needed;
to his middle she kneaded.

His soft cries were barely heard
among those within his herd.
Knowing ears briskly passed by
for their morals said good-bye.

A mother's intuition
led her on this night's mission.
Party-goers heard her knock
and mocked her attempt to block.

Mama Bear blew the house down
with cops that protect this town. Innocence salvaged from savage
who spied upon her cleavage,

once she arrived at the house;
he cornered her like a mouse.
He defined her to be meek;
his arrogance made him reek.

She was wise to drink water
instead of the laced liquor.
Sadly, his trick was her treat.
Curse this night for she repeats!

Shalom & Peace P.A

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