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Test.I.Mony (Poem)


Flippin' through phases of me
got me solvin' mystery.
False claims of identity
tried to suppress brilliancy.

No vain in dialect here,
for this scene is viewed so clear.
It was written before fear's
whispered voice foretold my tears.

Humility's nation stood
as cover for my mind's hood.
Humiliation's storms would
reign upon roof all it could.

This shut light up in darkness,
clearing a path through my mess.
Shades of clouds followed my quest,
to snuff out truth's glare and rest.

Light retreated to The Word,
remembering verses heard.
Prayers gave hope like white bird,
kissing blue skies as soul stirred.

Instruments played to make lull,
preying sound would become dull.
Shadows beget hands to hull
heart-strings apart to make null.

Hope took flight upon dove's wings;
Songs of praise is all I sing.
I never cared about bling
but my shine shall always cling.


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