Listen With Your Heart

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Welcome My Father 10/27/2003

If my father walked through
     Heaven's open doors,
would there still be hurting,
     memories that came before?

Would I wonder how he had
     made it through?
Would I think that it was
     fair and just due?

Would I open my arms,
     filled with joy and gladness,
or would there still be
     too many tears and sadness?

Could I welcome my father,
     with Heaven's redeeming love,
and lead him to the arms,
     of the Father above?

Exodus 33:19  And the Lord said, "I will
cause all my goodness to pass in front of
you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord,
in your presence, I will have mercy on whom
I will have mercy, and I will have compassion
on whom I will have compassion."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 10/27/2003

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