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Jesus (Cadence-song) 06/04/1997

Jesus is the one who saves,
the one who makes me strong and brave.

Jesus is the one that's true,
loving me as He loves you.

Jesus walked upon the sea,
and He died to set men free.

Jesus healed the blind man's eyes,
hearing all his pleading cries.

Jesus caused the lame to walk,
He is this earth's solid rock.

Jesus gathers His lost sheep,
all lost souls He wants to keep.

Jesus fed the hungry crowd,
We will praise Him right out loud!

Jesus conquered deaths' last sting,
joyous eternal life to bring.

Jesus is the Saving Lamb.
Jesus is the great "I Am".

John 1:29 "Look, the Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of
the world!"

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyrite 06/04/1997


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