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Beware of Those Tempting You to Sin

Hello Fam,

Humans are going to sin for that's our fleshly makeup. However, there's a Spirit and Soul underneath it all. The more we feed our fleshly desires, the more we sin. When we have discipline and feed our Spiritual Self, the less we sin. It's that simple, yet it's not!

The key to overcoming our sinful nature is having a one-on-one relationship with our Creator. To do this, we need to recognize, understand and accept that there is one. Just because life has kicked you this way and that way, doesn't me one doesn't exist. We can thank Adam & Eve for life's hardships because of their sin.

In order for us to have an intimate relationship with The Most High God, we must Repent for our sins. This means that we genuinely want a better life for ourselves and those around us. If your heart resonates with this, then you will receive Repentance.

WARNING: This doesn't mean all of your troubles will be erased. This does mean you will be sin-less. This doesn't mean life will be a cake-walk. This means that The Most High has Forgiven you of ALL your sins.

To help assist you in becoming less sinful, you will need to get Baptized (In the name of Jesus Christ) and receive the Holy Spirit (The Comforter). The Holy Spirit gives you spiritual strength to combat our fleshly desires. There is no other way to defeat Satan's tricks but to renew our minds and become a new thing. It's that (new thing) that God Himself empowers to stand against all evils seen and unseen.

Becoming renewed is NOT easy and you will lose people close to you. You WILL be Hated and Persecuted like Christ. This is where most get stuck and become lukewarm or regress back to their old selves. It's understandable because not everybody was created to make it through those pearly gates.

It takes a very peculiar people to withstand the stones and knives being thrown their way. It takes a peculiar people who takes a stand upon on God's Everlasting Love & Living Words. It takes a peculiar people to shine their light within this demonic world. It takes a peculiar people who chooses right when the world tells you it's wrong. It takes a peculiar people to NOT sacrifice one for the lives of others. Yes, Jesus Christ did this for He was God Himself in human form. However, it is NOT up to us to play Him!

It takes a peculiar people to NOT do what everybody else wants us to do! When you are a (new thing) you have Super Natural Abilities because you have disconnected yourself from this Matrix and reconnected yourself to our Only True Source: Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim...etc. When we acknowledge that He does exist and that He is Ours and We are His Sons/Daughters, We reap the Spiritual and Natural Benefits of that Relationship!

The problem comes when folks want to reap the benefits w/o said relationship. They are too weak minded and hearted to withstand that cross we bear so they do a number of things:

*Trick you into losing said Blessings by getting you to sin out of Jealousy/Hate/Greed/You Pick One!
*Sacrifice your life to gain demonic Blessings
*Steal your Blessings/Destiny with the help some Covenant in exchange of your life being cursed.
*Satan's Seed being themselves and other Demonic Entities using people, places & things to destroy you
*You get the picture

Becareful who you trust, especially now. Inspite of the world's incremental re-opening, this Spiritual War is on-going. Take notice of loved one's drastic change of behavior. Take notice when people start treating you differently-bad or seemingly good. Take notice when old friends bombard their way back. Take notice when strange people befriend you.

Stay. On. Guard but don't forget to Laugh. Love. & Live!

God Bless you All!

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