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Persecutors of God's Children

My abusive narc ex. "husband" once said, "If there is a God, he has A LOT to answer for!"

I felt that in my soul because of his own traumatic childhood, failures and disappointments. He seriously blamed and hated God for his pains...hurts...abuses and so on. I believe this is one of the main reasons why I kept forgiving him and staying, inspite of knowing better in my spirit. I wanted to heal that in him but it wasn't to be for HE didn't want that.

I will continue to pray that he stops running from God and give up that hate-filled existence. I pray for his family as well-so much healing is needed!

(Read previous posts for an in-depth backstory).

The Holy Spirit put this on my heart and I'm being obedient here.

There are millions...maybe even billions of those who feel like my ex. and that's a travesty for so many reasons. The top reason is risking eternal salvation in exchange for eternal damnation.

What you guys don't get is that Jehovah God NEVER EVER rejected YOU. Satan took your wounds...poured sugar all in it and sold you a bill of lies. He made you think  that your strike was caused by God's rejection of you. He told you that you were unlovable, useless, stupid, ugly, tainted, forever broken, irredeemable, hated etc. NONE of that was true! The truth is that God Loves every soul HE created (Humans)! Satan is jealous of us because of this and he has spent his time on Earth destroying every Creation of God.

He was so set on "one-upping" Jehovah that he purposely tried to taint the DNA of Humans by seducing Eve and conceiving Cain, creating his own bloodline. His bloodline still exist today (half-breeds masquerading as humans) and their job is to destroy God's bloodline (Humans).

(None of this stuff was taught in church!)

Some of you grew up in the church like my ex. did. You were told to pray to God for whatever troubles you. However, you weren't told that not all prayers will be answered and here's why.

We were ALL created with a specific purpose/calling/destiny and when your prayers don't line up with said purpose, those prayers won't have the desired results. In his case, it was  about being molested by a family member, praying for a loved one to recover from an illness but they died any way. This is where sound doctrine would've helped but sadly, most of our church leaders have 501c3 contracts with the government that bought their silence.

The fact of the matter is we ALL have been lied to and religion IS the problem. However, Relationship with God through Christ IS the answer. Meaning, you must know them for yourself-outside of church!  Just going to church and learning sound doctrine/ the gospel unfiltered isn't enough.

Jehovah's ways are mysterious and we're never gonna understand every move He makes. There is nothing wrong with asking God questions for clarity...confirmation but never to question His Authority. For HE IS GOD! The Only true living God. So Freedom of Religion only gave the people the opportunity to practice Idolatry! You can ask Buddha or Baal whatever you want but NONE will answer you back!

Don't let your previous bad experience with the church/ so-called Christian stop you from learning who and what your Creator is. A Christian's life here on Earth was never supposed to be a walk in the part. Adam and Eve messed that up when they were casted out of Eden. We will suffer for Christ suffered! However, God's grace and mercy is everything to get you through. Don't reject Him because of your misunderstanding of Him. He is the original parent of us all. He loves us and will correct us when needed. He will also show his wrath toward those who persecute you for His sake.

The rest of you who know not The Christ should consider that option, especially during this time. It's a perfect time to re-evaluate your life and those around you. Without Christ, you're a sitting duck for Satan's devices, even if you don't realize it.

Christians aren't your basic bible-thumbing judementalist who wanna see you fail. Those are people playing at it and failing!

No, a True Christian remember who they were and where they came from. We KNOW that it was only God's grace (covering us in the midst of sin) and mercy lead us to salvation. It's a choice everyday to subscribe to His Laws, Statutes and Commandments. You don't get to be ratchet from mon-sat and fake it on sunday.

The more time you spend with God, the less sin you'll want to commit anyway-trust me!

If you can take a piece of wood and create your own god, what good is it? Aren't you the true Creator of it?

Hey, I get it. I haven't had the best life either for I've gone through so much but my faith in Jehovah never wavered. I didn't let Satan talk me into cursing God and bowing to his devices. I'm not perfect by no means and have messed up. I did things...thought things...said things that I shouldn't have but I repented.

Yes, I KNOW A LOT of people will still reject God no matter what I've written here for it has already been prophesied. Satan and his seed already know their fate and doing everything they can to make it yours too.

Eli Lasky relevant video. Thanks, Brotha Lasky!


God Bless,

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