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 Kandid Tales  
    25433 Poems Read.

Disturbing Message

Hello Fam,

The following video is extremely disturbing about possible Pedophile Rings in Hollywood. I know NOT to believe everything I see/hear, no matter the source. I'm not familiar with this man in the video but given what info is known about hollyweird, there's probably some truth to this.

I suggest that we ALL pray for the Children and other Victims out there-Worldwide who are being exploited/murdered by the hands of evil.

If what this young man is saying is true, I pray to the Father for His protection over this man's family and those being hurt and sacrificed.

We know child sacrifices occurred in Ancient times so the likelyhood of the practice ceasing is extremely thin. I prsy that the blinders start coming off our eyes so we can see spiritually. Father God, please let us hear you durinh these times. Protect these babies out here...sick...sick world we live in. Let those who have been hurt recover from the shame...the hurt...the pain. Let their abusers feel the weight of said shame, hurt and pain...bind them up so they can not hurt anyone else.

God Bless!


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