Listen With Your Heart

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My Pen Still Flows 04/05/2018

Lord, I love to pray with my pen,
to write words You continue to send.
Help me to write to my journey's end,
giving others Your words they might

The first words that stilled my mind
          and soul,
bringing me back to Your Heaven's goal.
For though we think we have planned
          our course,
we must surely view Your true source.
You allowed me to follow my own lead,
until I knew the answers I would
          finally need.

My pen still flows with Your words of love,
for I know they come from above.
You take my hand to form the words,
perhaps the ones we have never really

John 14:24  Whoever does not love me
does not keep my words; yet the word
you hear is not mine but that of the
Father who sent me.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 04/05/2018

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