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 Kandid Tales  
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True Israelites have (E1BIA) IGBO UPDATE****

Hello Fam,

(Descendants of GAD)

****Thank you Jehovah/Yahweh/The Most High God...etc for the TRUTH to come out. I will NEVER purposely misled MY People of Israel of the TRUTH that we so desperately need! MY heart is so full as a human with the current state of the world.I pray for ALL of God's Creation-Jew or Gentile to take this time to walk in love and not hate.

Though it's a very bitter and and hurtful pill to swallow, the truth is coming out. It's easy to allow that deep-seeded pain...resentment and a whole list of other emotions to own us but WE must own every bit of our emotions. We must understand YAH put all this in motion due to our Ancestors' disobedience. We are living out those prophesies set in place. Our oppressors knew/ know who we are and Capitalized on our plight! Each one will have to answer for their deeds when Judgement comes for them. Though YAH used them to punish us, they were/still are WRONG for it!


I have found this very informative article on The True Israelites with the E1B1A as opposed to E1B1B *Non-Israelites* or Gentiles.

This isn't about hate but shining light within massive layers of cover-ups and lies.


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