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Sure Foundation 03/24/2020

Lord, You dwell within the temple of our souls,
no longer confined behind the veil of long ago.
Your sacrifice replaced the blood of bulls and goats,
changing forever a nation's eternal hopes.

A precious cornerstone that holds together Your truth,
from the time of Abraham to the glory of today's
good news.
A stone that affirms Zion with a sure foundation,
for the established of Your rescued Holy Nation.

The builders rejected the cornerstone and lost
its foundation.
Given to all people who will plant the fruit,
that all the faithful may taste its roots.

Isaiah 28:16  Therefore, thus says the Lord God:
See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has
been tested, A precious cornerstone as a sure
foundation; whoever puts faith in it will not waver.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 03/24/2020

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