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Rags and Riches (Entertainment Industry)

Hello All,

I don't want to get into this but the Holy Spirit is leading me to do so.

Look, poverty/oppression has always and will always exist because of greed/power/corruption and much more. It's well known that there has always been a peculiar and stiff-necked people who are targets of said poverty/oppression. Given the fact that these people are a Chosen People and set apart, they have innate strengths and abilities(in every way)that no other people can compete with. Sorry, I got to keep this 100%! These people are genetically superior and excel in areas where others fall-without extra help. To oppress such a people, you must subdue them in a number of ways. Take a trip to any ghetto and you'll understand.

The Entertainment Industry once on talent and meaningful content to inspire the world. Little by little, this practice became foreign and gimmicks/agendas set in. Today, the word "infamous" seems more appropriate for so-called celebrities because of this change.

This reality is way more prominent among those who are poverty-stricken/ lack of opportunities/one-parent homes/ disenfranchised...you get the picture. Some of the people found in such places might have real talent but it's misused to further oppress those communities. Most people in such communities will NOT turn down any SEEMINGLY good opportunity to get out of the hood. Those who run this industry knows this! Chances are slim that contracts are read through by appropriate professionals-hired separately and privately.

I guess what I'm saying is BEWARE of being scammed like so many celebs out there. Not everything that sounds like a good idea is a God idea. Ever wonder why the Sports Industry is flooded with a certain group of people. I wonder why said people are encouraged to pursue College Scholarships emphasized in Sports...not Medicine...Law ect? Why is it always Entertainment? Look at what's happening with the men in said industry now. It's a total and utter disgrace-yet they continue to bow in absolute shame. Women are being propped in pride to look foolish and manly. Total abomination and the masses are loving it.

We Hebrew Israelites were brought here 400 years ago as a curse from Jehovah. Instead of Repenting and turning away from idol gods, we have embraced them and so many other practices that goes against Him. We got complacent when "exclusions" became "inclusions." We were never suppose to live like our Oppressors. We were meant to be set apart and obey the laws of the land. Now, we look and act just like them. We got to do better for our future's sake. How can we have one when girls wanna be boys and boys wanna be girls?  

By the way, I pray that Mikaela George Spielberg is set free from the hell she is in! Before I knew of her claims of abuse, I sensed it by the pictures that I've seen. The whole situation is disgusting and Jehovah will deal with those responsible. It's obvious this young woman was set up and manipulated into this. Look at this young woman's name...it's obvious they wanted a boy. My heart goes out to all people put in such situations.

One more thing, if black celebs were able to help the 99%, there would hardly be any ghettos...didnt say none. Our people would pour that $$$ back into their community by building with their own. I'm NOT being racist just real. Too many of our brothas have non-black wives and i feel it was and is advised. It's done to further damage the black family. To keep the sistas at the bottom...in every sense of the word...(Mikaela...Karrine Stefans (Superhead)...etc. There are more of us women marrying outside of our race too. That keeps new money flowing with the old. I repent for my part in that...though it was not done purposely (on my end). It was not a rejection if my blackness. We got to start building with our own...its a MUST! Its am agenda...look at the movies...the commercials even. Most of the time its a Sista and a Caucasian man as the couple. I'm looking at this thing from a spiritual perspective. You CAN'T beat an Israelite Couple/Black Love (Man/Woman) in a Healthy relationship. Not your Ghost/Tasha or Luscious/Cookie...toxic mess. There's power when we unite as family. Stop letting pride/pettiness keep us apart!

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