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Call to Israel!

Welcome Family,

Scripture says the Tribe of Judah (Blacks) are the Royal bloodline of Christ. The Levites are the Priestly tribe. There's all kinds of charts out there showing which race of people the 12 Tribes are today. I take that with a grain of salt as I continue to seek truth.

However, there is NO other People other than "Blacks" who fit the plight of Judah. Judah was set aside for King Solomon's son, Rehoboam, when Israel was divided. Why? The Descendants of Judah have brought forth Mighty Warriors, Heroes, Sheroes and Kings like David, Solomon, Daniel, Hananiah (Shadrach)
,Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah
(Abednego). The Tribe of Benjamin joined Judah, so Esther fits right along with these men above.

This is NOT some black supremacy post or anything like that. This is about me reaching out to My Tribe. We MUST rise up like the Royals we are. Now is NOT the time to be scared of some virus, especially if we are right with Jehovah.

WHY is the world more scared of the name Corona Virus, and not The Most High GOD? GOD is and has always been in control of all things in this world. He is allowing what's taking place for a reason. Now is the time to REPENT WORLDWIDE for how evil this place has become. We all need to Repent for not only what we've done but what we have allowed to happen. How we allowed Satan to gain as much territory that he has. We've been too complacent and eager to please the One who denied our Ancestors 1/10 of what we were allowed to have. Striving for inclusion lead us straight to the Lion's Den-without God's protection. Do away with that life for we were never meant to play a part but be set apart! We took their rejection as a bad thing but it was a blessing! Get out of her ISRAEL!

Our God is GREATER than anything outside of Him...Himself. If you living foul, PLEASE choose Life and not death...even if it leads to loss of natural life. You WILL have Eternal Life. The Greatest reward is receiving God's Love and Salvation. Don't allow reports of this latest pandemic to scare you into bowing down before that statue of Baal. That's where Satan wants you. The answer to the questions you all have right now is Jesus Christ. Call Him..He's waiting.

God Bless,

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