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 Kandid Tales  
    25471 Poems Read.

Seeking Jehovah Leads to Self-Discovery

Hello All,

I've re-written this post several times but each version is way waaaay too wordy lol. It's probably best to keep it simple.

God Almighty is THE Creator of Human Beings, beginning with Adam. Satan is THE Creator of Human-Like Beings, beginning with Cain. When Eve was seduced/beguiled by the Serpent/ Satan, they conceived Cain. When Adam "knew" Eve,they conceived Abel. Cain's nature rose up against his brother and he killed him. Adam knew Eve once more and they conceived Seth. From that point on, it has ALWAYS been God's Children's via Seth's Bloodline vs. Satan's Seed via Cain's Bloodline.

Don't even get me started on the Fallen Angels and their offsprings...

Those Created by God have a Spiritual purpose to live out Humanly on Earth. This purpose was pre-destined before we were born and it is up to us to discover and fulfill it.

Some people's aspirations actually align with their purpose early in life.

Some stumble through life in search of their purpose, not realizing they are. These are the Chapters in our lives where countless mistakes are made because we're trying to fill the void within.

Tragically,some people endure traumatic childhoods, which continue throughout adulthood. They are left broken, having low self-esteem, no self-worth,  vulnerable, which attracts abusive and toxic people. Unfortunately, our peculiarities naturally sets us apart from the rest of the world and it makes us a target. We're totally oblivious to the 'why' of it all until we seek the Creator for answers(My life in short).

Most of us will reject The Almighty God and chase after worldy rewards in Satan's system. According to Scriptures, there are Prophecies that have not come to pass yet. It tells us that the world will hate and reject God's Children. This is why the path to Heaven is narrow. Despite having Free Will, God knows the people will NOT Repent. Time doesn't exist where He dwells. The past,present and future sits before Him. There's nothing that catches Him off-guard because He is always in control.

This leaves a select few that will remain in the ring till the end for the Victory has always been OURS!

P.S. I'm sure someone out there will disagree with something I've written and that's cool. I ask that you take your issue to God and ask Him about it. I don't claim to have all the answers and if I misstep, I apologize for that up front. My goal is to win souls for Jehovah. Being humble is everything.

God Bless,

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