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The Answers Of This World  09/12/2005

Lord, we earnestly pray for one that's ill,
pleading for the outcome as is Your will.
What harm has struck our fellow man,
causes concern for this one's earthly plan.

We know that the final decision is Yours alone,
we still pray that this one return to his earthly home,
we entreat that this not be his appointed time,
knowing the hardship faced by those left behind.

Lord that holds the sparrow in flight,
hear our prayer of agony tonight.
Restore this sick and dying soul,
as we submit to all things under Your control.

Whatever Your answer, we follow Thee,
for where else would we desire to be?
The answers of this world more questions divide,
drawing us into Your presence where we long to abide.

Psalm 17:6  I call upon You; answer me, O God.  
Turn Your ear to me; hear my speech.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 09/12/05

God answered our many prayers and allowed a friend
to live many more years than his diagnosis allowed.  
He saw his daughter married and three grandchildren.
He saw his son and daughter-in-law and to grandsons,
before he left this world.  Praise God for his mercy.


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