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Life's Final Dawn 08/2004

Lord, the day is Thine to give,
it is up to us to choose to live,
life's days come and gone,
that oft seem endlessly long.

Yet, each day is the same,
with it's losses and gains,
each just another day gone by,
or desire for which spirits fly.

From early light to dark of night,
life is not always full of delight.
Hours and minutes pass on by,
marking time first low then high.

Waiting like the swells of the tide,
riding the waves to the slide,
that takes us under the water's flow,
trying to keep us down below.

One more time we break through,
above the drowning murky hue,
to take a breath and keep pressing on,
till the coming of life's final dawn.

Psalm 59:17  But I shall sing of Your
strength, extol Your mercy at dawn,
for You are my fortress, my refuge
in time of trouble.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 08/04


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