Listen With Your Heart

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Nature's Beauty 1974

An air of quietude lingers,
as my thirsty eyes drink in all the majesty here.
Amidst autumn's artistry of colors and,
the woods glen enchantment.
I hear the rustling of crisp leaves and
the lazy breeze that prods them from sleep.

Sitting on a chair of nature's own,
no longer to wave it's branches to the heavens,
in competition with those that still remain.
My ears search out a sound
just above the playing of the leaves.

Beholding a sight of hunters desire,
and photographers delight.
She is here with her baby,
still spotted and new.
Softness enriched by the forest's lush due.

Might she hear the pounding of my heart?
Her eyes look right into mine, watching.
But through my stillness she sees no danger,
no scent warning her that death might be near.
Her offspring eating with youth's innocence,
trusting in mother's wary vigilance.

She dares taste the leaves, jerking to a listening stance,
my own ears late in hearing ,
my friend returning in a noisy flurry.
The mystic spell now broken
that engulfed me as one of nature's own,
dragging me back to my lower human form.

As I glance away, in a whisper they are gone,
never to be viewed again with such reverence
from a simple earthly soul.
What Creator above is there that had allowed me to see
this wondrous vision of illusive beauty?

Genesis 2:19  So the Lord God formed out of the
ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the air,
and he brought them to the man to see what he
would call them; whatever the man called each
living creature was then its name.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 1974

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