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Heaven's Mural 08/09/1999

What a vast sky before me,
piled high with snowy peaks.
Shapes of kitten tails
and doggie feet.

Polar bears loom left and right,
see the hump-backed whale?
What a sight!

Massive glaciers blind the eye,
towering far above the eastern sky.
Low drifting vapors hang,
as if held with strings,
others as white as gossamer wings.

Each new form a heart's delight.
tempting a soul to just take flight.
To float up where angels soar,
playing among the cloudy score.

Yet I see only through mortal eye,
wistfully heaving a longing sigh.
Blessed to view from an earthly realm,
the expansive mural, my soul overwhelmed.

Psalm 19:  The heavens declare the glory
of God, the firmament proclaims the works
of His hands.

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 08/09/1999

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