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Let Go Of The Hand 1992

I feel his hand taking mine,
small as a child's,
we travel through time.

I dare not trust yet again,
still, I take his hand,
as together we begin.

We search the years through doubts
and fears,
a trembling hand holding
fast to his,
looking for truth through all my tears.

A new hand now I must take,
letting go of the hand that
lead me here,
holding fast to the promise
both hands make.

Though his hand must,
this one will never let go of my own,
gently leading me where I was always
meant to go,
holding fast until I am safe at home.

Genesis 28: "If God will be with me
and protect me on this journey I am
making and give me food to eat and
clothes to wear, and I come back
safely to my father's house, the
Lord will be my God."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 07/1992


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