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 Kandid Tales  
    25361 Poems Read.

Dangers of Yoga /Reiki

Hello All,

This is an important post for everyone who practice Yoga(ALL things Alternative). I know Yoga's been a common practice worldwide for a good while now. On the surface, it might seem harmless but that's not the case.

Please watch the video below with an open mind.

For Children of God, you Unknowingly sinned against Him. It's NOT your fault so don't blame yourselves! This wicked
World is full of Deception.

For Gentiles (Non Jews-REAL JEWS) that Unknowingly participated, don't blame yourselves either! If WE Believers got caught up, then it makes total sense that you guys wouldn't know either.

I most confess to Unknowingly getting temporarily caught up in this to a degree. It wasn't Yoga but dabbling into Chakra Healing. I waa deceived too and I Repent and I ask Forgiveness. I did have this conversation with the person "assisting" me with said healing and she said it didnt go against my beliefs. I was still quite "sleep" then and in a very bad a
place. I Thank God the truth has been revealed. The Deceptions of the world run wayyyy...way deep! Please pray over Every thing!


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