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 Kandid Tales  
    25627 Poems Read.

From Esau to Zionism...

Hello All,

I've been sitting on this one for awhile to research the information I'm sharing tonight. Unfortunately, the subject matter is too vast and complex. I would need additional help, resources and tons of time to give this topic the attention that it needs. I also ran into conflicting information from the sources I used and realized that I was just borrowing trouble that I didn't want or need.

That's my way of saying to pray over what I post. I will never purposely mislead/misinform anyone about anything I post here. I do believe that the information presented here is great information and is most likely reliable. However, if you can Respectfully prove that something presented is wrong, please let me know. I'm sure the young man who narrates the video would appreciate your helpful information.

The Tribe of Judah(Blacks in the US) has been lied to and about for too long and the Truth IS necessary for Our Survival. There's some much info out there but Lies and half-truths makes it very difficult to find accurate info. It's best to have an open, yet Spiritual mind while reviewing such materials. The Worst thing you can be is biased, for you might reject the truth. Again, use common sense,and take it all with a grain of salt.

God Bless You Guys,

By Divine Prospect


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