Listen With Your Heart

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A Brand New Start 2000

I saw you today as you sat in your place,
with the weight of the world written on your face,
looking tired and sore, little energy left,
my heart reached out to offer you rest.

To ask our God to make your burdens lighter,
gathering fragments of faith and hope tighter,
pulling the scattered pieces back to the whole,
where the words of the Savior can reach your soul.

I know others have seen me the same,
in times past when my weary soul came,
needing someone to see the pain in my heart,
to show that here could be found a brand new start.

Where else would I go to find such peace of mind,
quieting the loudness of today's demanding time.
Where you and I can both reach out to find,
the quiet healing of our God's peaceful mind.

Galatians 6:2  "Bare one another's burdens...
6:19  "So then, whenever we have the opportunity
let us practice doing good to everyone, especially
to the family of faith."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 2000

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