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Marcus Rogers Video on Evolution vs. Creation (Plus Rant From Me)

Hello All,

So the video below shows Marcus Rogers explaining his conversation with a College Professor:

His conversation reminds me of the many... "conversations" I was forced to have with my ex. abuser who is (maybe was)an Atheist. Just like Mr. Rogers says, these guys truly believe it's their right to "educate" (indoctrinate) the masses about their False Teachings. If you really think about it, it does take waaaay more Faith and Creativity to believe that a bunch of perfectly timed random acts is how the world and its inhabitants came to be. Yet, they ask for "proof" that God exists LOL!

A perfect example of God is when a group of people is repeatedly kept in slavery and remnants of their descendants STILL WALK AMONG their Oppressors' descendants! There is UNAPOLOGETIC PROOF that THEIR GOD has always existed and will forever exist.  For NO other Nation has been HATED by ALL other Nations like theirs. This Nation has bern enslaved for 400 years-consistently-twice over AND. STILL. LIVE. ON. TODAY! NO other Nation has been: persecuted, hunted, abused, lied to, lied on, sold, enslaved, kept from their identity, been told lies about said identity, been denied their freedom without chains, targeted, hated, been denied the right to acknowledge and worship THEIR GOD, Massacred, raped, beaten, been denied the right to live, been denied the right to be counted as people, kept as breeders just to enslave THEIR seed, had their Firstborns repeatedly sacrificed but the REAL HEBREW ISRAELITES!

There is Absolutely NO reason why such a people should exist today. History shows us that many... many other peoples were utterly exterminated... Yet they... GODS PEOPLE... WILL. NOT. DIE. OUT! And All the Nations that Co-Exist with us HATE it and US! Any and every abominable act has been afflicted upon us... and the heart still pumps within. The bodies that they secretly crave and worship still moves,despite the broken spirits within. They have to wonder what or who keeps us alive. Our bodies are unlike theirs. Our minds are unmatched...thats why they must poison everything we touch! Our Spirit... well it's not of this Earth lol. We didn't chose God... HE chose Us! NO, we don't deserve it but it is what it is. Dont Hate the PEOPLE-LOVE THE GOD!

Sorry for the rant but went with it. God Bless!

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