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 Kandid Tales  
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Genocide Diet: How Junk Food Contributes to Mental Illness/Violence

Hello All,

This is great information worldwide, especially for Minorities:


I was just talking to a friend of mine about this. Stories of "fake foods/posioned foods" probably came out a few decades ago. Most of us know the food thay we buy,cook & eat isn't the same as Grandma used to make. There's something wrong with pretty much everything we use on a daily basis. Sad thing is, most of us are purposely kept away from the "healthier" alternatives. When $$$ is funny, you don't have many options to choose from, with Mc D's and Liquor stores on every other block in the hood. We can't even whole heartedly trust the water we buy or at home. It's truly a tragic situation.

The speaker mentioned Fasting and that is a great option. However, you must first go to God about it. You should never just go cold turkey without truly understanding its purpose and how to di it correctly. Pray on it and do your research. I'm currently big on smoothies. It's delicious, nutritious and filling.

God Bless!

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