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 Kandid Tales  
    25259 Poems Read.

Slavery Practices that Affect Us Today


The article above helps explain our dysfunctions of today. Our ancestors were made to be baby-makers. The men were expected to impregnate 12 women a yearly, for 5 straight years. Women were encouraged to fill a quota for freedom. Boys and girls were expected to become breeders at 12/13.

These practices clearly have contributed to our dysfunctions today. It promotes the father being out of the home. It promotes the breakdown of the family. It promotes governmental assistance for young mothers, which often becomes generational.

It's just sad but we truly NEED to know about this. They shun and dog us about the very behaviors their ancestors forced upon ours. I DONT promote hate upon them or their ancestors. It's clear that the spirits of slavery have always been with us. Let's OWN it! These are not our innate behaviors but conditioned ones.

Let's pray for the Spirit of Esau/Edomites to be freed from our Oppressors and their descendants.

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