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 Kandid Tales  
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Grown Men DO/DUE Cry

To My Male Counterparts,

It's OK to 😢! In fact, it's your Human right to do so. ALOT of Rage, Shame, Resentment, Fear,  Abuse, Violence, Dysfunction, Rape, Murder, Crime, Hate etc. in the World is because deep-seeded hidden pain and anger someone was discouraged to feel and express. I know little boys are told NOT to cry and act like a girl. That's a Horrible thing to say and be told!
If a boy/Man was "allowed" to be 100% Real and Cry when needed, this World would be such a better place. Instead, we shame and mock our boys whenever they try to express themselves when they are in pain. That's not right or ok.

I'm speaking to boys/Men in general but I really want to reach out to Men of Color. My Brothas, I show you Love today. I know your walk has NEVER been easy and I'm sorry for it. I pray for you guys on the regular and my heart hurts for the Hell that's been placed upon your life. I say to you guys in particular, Aint no shame in shedding tears. Y'all have faced so much heartache since day 1! no other nation wants to see who succeed and they ALL want you dead. YET, history shows us just how much you are envied, inspite of the Hate you face. Your bodies are something to possess... control... degrade...break-in. I'm sure you guys get where I'm going with that and I'm not talking about women. I'm sure it's NO surprise to learn that slave owners used to rape male slaves to keep them in line. This was publically done in front of all the slaves. Other slave owners were "invited" to "break the buck" during this sick ritual. I saw this NOT to stir up Hate within your hearts and lash out @ white men of today. I say this for it's understood why the cries of our ancestors be heard along with cries of today! It truly breaks my heart how OUR people have been treated and hated on. YOU ARE KINGS! YOU DESERVE BETTER! Please DON'T Give up no matter your situation. Understand that if you are violated in anynway,  that it's not a reflection of you or people who look like you. It's a remnant of that sick and evil Spirit from the past. You must stand strong in God to prevail. If you don't believe,you might want to rethink it. Live life like Mufasa-pre-death. Embrace who you are like Simba and overthrow "Scar's" Army. YOU are a Serious threat to Satan's Army, that's why he concentrates on breaking and distracting you. Those distractions are ways to kill the pain and hide the shame. Alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, gangs, crime,money,fame are ways that further kills you. Once dead inside, demons come a knocking. You guys MUST push the beefing aside and come together. I know it can be done!God Bless!

PS Prime example of a Grown Man Crying:


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