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 Kandid Tales  
    25242 Poems Read.

The Devil's Building his kingdom one Vessel @ a Time!

What's up Humans!

WE Really have to be careful when feeling negative emotions. It's "human" to feel/express ourselves when negative situations happen in life. However, WE can't allow those feelings/expressions to Own Us.  For ex., being jealous because your bff has a date to the Prom and you don't. It's understandable to be a little jealous but it's dangerous to let those feelings to fester and Own You. If you do, you will allow the Spirit of Jealousy to come upon you, exploiting your feelings. When this happens, that Spirit will control your thoughts and actions. You will find yourself thinking, saying and doing things you normally wouldn't do. Your spirit would get pushed to the backseat while thr other takes over your life.

To prevent this, WE must Repent when thinking Unlike Christ. WE are never gonna be perfect, so bouts of hate, lust, jealousy etc. will happen. DON'T let Satan build his kingdom with you body! There are trillions upon trillions of disembodied demonic spirits that are searching for hosts. Satan can't create us but can posses us to make room for these spirits. Stay prayed, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all things and get into God's Word.
God Bless!

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