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I'll Make It by Hezekiah Walker

Hello All,

This song is for everyone that's going through-believer or no. We all struggle in this life both good/bad. The difference is, most time than not, Satan is the "Blesser" of the latter. This is a good reason not to base your Salvation on man. For man is flawed and can lead you astray sometimes. Don't look for the bad to suffer like we do in life because they are doing Satan's work and our loved by the world. We suffer for Christ's Name and are Hated by the world. But stay encouraged for things will flip-flop upon His return! Get to know Christ and God for yourselves and not just on Sunday. Dont just call on them when your life is a mess. Stay in constant communication like you would your Bestie. How would you feel if your Bestie only called you to report sad news. You miss all the good news. You dont get to celebrate their life in happiness. I'm sure you would be resentful.

So how do you think they feel when you only call Christ to fix a problem?


God Bless You Guys!

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