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Leaving the Physical Church  vs. Leaving the Spiritual Church

If you are "Woke," then you know the Church of today is NOT the Church of yesterday. Satan has always try to pervert God's Word and people and his plans have slowly become transgender(oops)...transparent.

The IRS Code, 501c3, crossed my passed years ago when I was sleep. Its existence explains so many questions that I've had. In many of my posts, I'd ask, "why isn't this talked about in church?" Now I know, for 501c3 was put into place to put Christians in theirs. Not many Church-goers know about this dirty little secret. I'm sure there are way more back-room deals that we don't know about to weaken God's army.

Religious secrets are being unearthed and some are not happy with the Church, our leaders, or God. It's logical to feel mistrust, betrayed, disgust, etc. and even feel prompted to leave a specific church. However, severing ties from a church is very different from severing ties from the Spiritual Church. Understand that Jesus was never religious. In fact, He often called out the religious zealots that made it their business to try to destroy Him. They killed the flesh-NOT the Spirit! Your relationship with Christ/God/Holy Spirit should be separate from your physical church. For God's Church is Spiritual. Man controls the physical church, NOT God. If your church has a 501c3 contract,then Satan is running that!

It is very dangerous to only have a church life(religion) and not really know who God is (spiritual). What's worse is if you regularly attend. Knowing the Father/Son/Holy Spirit personally, reading your bible regularly , following the Word will secure your Salvation. Attending church that follow God's word is awesome! I love church myself but we must be careful who is leading the Pastor of said church. Sadly, a lot of them are following Satan (whether they realize it or not). That's why the church as a whole has fallen and so watered down. The weak prophets are bowing for hush money and the false prophets are laying hands in the wrong places. The real prophets are few and between, while some have yet to be discovered.

It is time to bow out of that 501c3 and join the Real Church within!

Let me speak to my brothas and sistas for a minute. It's well known that our people have a tendency not to read. We must change this for knowledge IS power! Dont let Sunday be the only day you open your bible. Get well acquainted with it because it's your sword. You best believe the enemies know their scriptures. It sucks that our religious leaders have pretty much sold us out. But, it is our responsibility to know God for ourselves. Nobody can get us into heaven but our own demonstration of faith and obedience.

God Bless!


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