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 Kandid Tales  
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Power Belongs to God...A Testimony

Power Belong To God!

Good Morning,

Just like the title states, Power Truly Belongs to God. Though we can't see Him or the moves that He makes on our behalf.

Given my life's journey, I could've rejected God long ago. I never really fit in with my peers and was severely bullied. I could've taken my own life to end the pain but it didn't. I thank God for being there to prevent that.

I've dealt with all kinds of traumatic
situations that shoved me deeper into Depression. I absolutely hated my outward appearance,despite the overwhelming unwanted attention. I felt dirty because of it and hated it! I had no self worth, yet I didn't fall for every toothy grin. I had class and knew I deserved better from and for myself but I was made to feel like I didn't. I just wanted to be loved like everyone else.

I saved myself in everyway, just to be systematically abused by a Narcissist.Some of you out there know what I'm talking about. Thought I finally found love till it blew up in my face the truth was revealed.

I said all of that to say that I understand a lot of y'all are hurting right now. Better yet,God understands. He has allowed those hurtful things to happen to remind or inform you/others just how powerful He is and that He is always in control. Sometimes, He might want your attention...He might even want you to be completely devoted to him and not run to Daddy or Mommy for nothing. The latter is where I am. Everything I thought I was... Everything I thought I had... was gone.

No matter how bad things seem... you must trust Him. Remove self from bad people around you if you can. Get somewhere safe and let God deal with your enemies. If you are a Christian, those enemies are His too. For they went after you because of your Love for Him!

No matter how bad this world gets, Power Belongs to God!

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