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God Exposed Them To Free You!

God Exposed Them To Free You! By Marcus Rogers

Thank you Mr. Rogers for your continued obedience in God. This message is one that I received prior to viewing the video. The video was just confirmation of my journey and so many others. In the flesh, we miss the blessings received from the Holy Spirit to our own spirit. In the flesh, we allow ourselves to be blinded from the truth that sets us free from wickedness and living falsely.

In order for us to begin hearing and seeing what we are not, we must possess the Holy Spirit. Then, we will be able to understand that horrible things will happen to good people, despite human action sometimes. Our prayers dont always receive a yes. They don't always receive yes when/how we ask for it either. No matter what we do or don't, all outcomes will be the Will of God-not ours. We can't blame ourselves when situations go left, despite our efforts to make it better. It has nothing to do with you. In short, God's Will will prevail despite us. This is a very hard concept to swallow and its even harder while in the flesh. I believe this is one of the reasons why so many have rejected Gods Word. They are under the impression that being saved exempts you from trials-sorry. No, Satan turns up the heat even more when you do give your life to Christ. The road aint for the simple-minded or weak hearted. If you place too much value in man and what earthly gains you can possess, this isn't for you. You must value things of the spiritual and God's rewards for you instead. These rewards are quite different from earthly ones. Those who are rewarded on Earth will not be rewarded in Heaven and vice versa.

So which matters to you more?

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