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 Kandid Tales  
    25348 Poems Read.

Fresh Prince of Baal-Air?

Okay, hear me out before tuning me out.

So, I'm reading Scriptures today and hit Ephesians 2:1-2...

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.

I've never heard Satan referenced as the "Prince of Air" before. Then again, maybe I have. When I started to "wake up," I did so much research. I came across an article where someone claimed that the title for "Fresh Prince... " actually is a reference to the Occult(Baal). I was skeptical back then but I'm to consider the implications. I truly hate to go there for I'm a huge fan of Will and the Show. Yet, I can't deny the "peculiar-ness" of the Smith family as a whole. I pray for and not condemn such families (famous or not).

I don't claim to be well-versed on this subject but it keeps bouncing around in my head.  What if the title is a play on words for "Heir of Baal." It would be a very clever and sneaky way to give a shout out to Baal and create a double-meaning for the show and main character. Again, this is just a thought. Those who are waking up/awakened now know that this wonderful world we live in is demonic. Celebrities and Public Figures are very vulnerable in the lime-light and could get caught up in that world. If there is any truth to this, then it was down very low key, unlike today's entertainment.

Just a reminder, be careful what you fill your time with:movies, music, tv, books etc. Case in point, I was a huge fan of Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/All things Vampires, Werewolves and alike, despite the affiliations to the occult. I didn't realize absorbing that stuff could create demonic ties to you. Again, why isn't this talked about in Church? It's not good enough to just be aware of the darkside of those things. It is best to stay completely away from them.

God Bless.


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