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 Kandid Tales  
    25303 Poems Read.

Young Man's Testimony of going to Hell

Mr. Nehi's Testimony is very...very Powerful! It echoes with what I've been saying. We speak God's Truth to Save Souls-not to condemn and judge. We know the world offers so many pleasures that fill the void within. The flesh will always be weak! This is why we need to give up our lives to Christ so we can resist pleasures of the flesh with God's Holy Spirit! As long as you bow down to the rewards of the world,  your flesh will be further weakened to desire more and more wickedness. Your soul will die inside as you suffocate on those desires. However, the Holy Spirit strengthens you to fight your flesh's desires so you won't become enslaved by Satan. He wants you to depend on him for worldly rewards. He makes it a point to show/tell us what's Hott, valuable, worthy, beautiful,sexy,cool,uncool,ugly,stupid,false etc. Most of what we experience in this world shows/tells us that God doesn't exist and Christianity is some crackpot religion that has no place here. Christians are mocked... Having morals make you uncool and unattractive.

I wonder why...


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