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Current Immigration Situation

The Current Immigration Laws/Agenda/Movement

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not well-versed in Immigration Laws/Agendas but there Must be a better way than our Current stance.

I believe the #1 reason people are fleeing from their countries to the US is because they have been oppressed so badly and have been manipulated into thinking the US is better. I'm sorry to say but that's a Big Ol lie!

The US is just as bad or worse because "our" country does its dirty dealings behind the scenes then play the blame game with "foreigners." At least some of those countries are pretty transparent, compared to good ol America.

If other nations weren't being oppressed like they were, we wouldn't have so many people risking their lives to come here. It's worth saying that the US is probably responsible for some of that oppression. I said "probably."

America's Laws/Agendas are slowly but surely becoming more extreme-like our neighboring nations. Sadly, these systematic changes have finally allowed us to see transparency.

I only wish that what we were "allowed" to see was positive movements.

I get that having an over-populated country strains resources and disallows the citizens to have a good quality  of life. So something has to be done when you have a surplus of people in said country whose homeland is somewhere else. Some seek citizenship and others don't.

Those who do become citizens have a right to work here. However, this can create a shortage of jobs and leave those born here unemployed and/homeless. For we know that those who come here are working for pennies for the most part because they're willing to do work manual labor.

This causes a chain of problematic events that needs to be dealt with and not shoveled under the rug.

Some can say that creating more jobs will take care of this problem. I can see that and agree... up to a point.  To be honest, that simply puts a band-aid on part of the issue. No matter how many jobs are created,  more and more people will migrate here and more and more jobs will be outsourced.

Either way you look at this,  Americans are geeting screwed Big Time!

With all that being said, tearing families apart like this is a travesty! People are people-not Illegal Aliens!

It's funny how these same people are the "first" ones called when a dirty job needs to be done because nobody wants to deal with it. That's bad enough but to not pay them what they're worth is DISGUSTING!
When they've done all your dirty, they're now expendable and you deport them. Wow!

I worry that some of the kids who fall in the cracks can get snatched up and exploited. Do I have proof... NO! We can't deny that it isn't possible. What's happening is very traumatic for the kids especially and it could be intentional.

I admit that I could be wrong. So if any one out there who is in the know,  please share!
As a woman of color,  I can't help but think of the Atlantic Slave Trade where families were purposely split up and sold. I truly hope and pray that this isn't the case.

When only the kids are left in the US, they are extremely vulnerable and can be exploited. I don't think their well-being is being considered here.

If there is one care-giver in the home that's in danger of being deported, they should be allowed to stay here till other arrangements are made.

If there are two parents/care-givers in the home, the same should apply.

The kids should never be abandoned w/o the love and care of someone they know & trust!

We ALL know the system aint it!

C'mon,  America! If we can send a man to the moon,  surely we can treat people like such and figure this out!

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