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 Kandid Tales  
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Think Before Joining Frats/Sororities or Any Group


Woman Denouncing Sorority

Man Denouncing Fraternity

Contribute your knowledge to the name Javan. Means "Greece" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Javan was the fourth son of Noah's son Japheth

God's words-Take no Oaths.Anything more than yes or no is evil." (paraphrased). Consider your "oaths" and the abuse of ritualistic hazing.

I`m no expert but I do know many pledges are subjected to DISGUSTING acts to prove themselves. How "Prestigious" can status really be? THINK

I`m not just picking on Greek Affiliations but ANY Group with rituals, oaths, secrets, abuse, bullying, cover-ups, lies, elitism, sexism...promotes sexual
Immorality, Discourages Individualism, Racism...you get the point.

ANY act done in Secret for the purposes to deceive, manipulate, mislead, oppress is NOT of GOD. If it's not of God then it's probably Evil. Nobody should subject themselves to any Cruelty for any reason!! Why do I need to show my talent of eating dog food or performing sexual acts to prove myself? Why should I allow YOU to erase ME "if" joining benefits me? How Prestigious is being a part of a Sisterhood/Brotherhood when you treat me like your enemy?

It doesn't matter of these groups are religious based or not. I'm sure not all groups fit into this post as far as degradation. However, words are very... very powerful. If you cite oaths and pledges, participate in "seemingly" harmless rituals,  you are forever bound by them. If you have to lose yourself for status, connections, favorable positions in jobs or elsewhere, needing support out of a jam by any means,  is it worth it? For you lose your soul in the process!

I know Society makes joining various groups look so appealing. Prime ex: Stomp the Yard! I adore that movie for tons of reasons but BEWARE of FRATS.  They seem to benefit Brothers just like DJ's (Columbus Short) character.  He saw his brother killed. He merely escaped death himself. Joining the Thetas was a way for him to turn that around and represent something positive. But you notice there was hazing but it didn't seem to bad. The audience rooted for him to prevail and get the girl. He did both.

There are other movies that present more of the negative like School Daze and The Skulls.

You can be a part of your community without joining. Exploit your own merits to receive a job,  education and alike. Dont sell out for an elitist lifestyle. The price is too high.

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