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 Kandid Tales  
    25472 Poems Read.

You Are Not too Ratchet for God!

Pastor Wess Morgan is a Blessing to us All! He done been through a lot of (thangs) not things. When folks say (thangs) that means some serious stuff. If you or someone you know/love are going through something, take a listen to this Man's story.

Part 1
Part 2

Pastor Wess Morgan-Paid it All

God Bless you Pastor Wess Morgan and Thank you for sharing your story!

If your story echoes his or worse, God can save you too! It doesn't matter what you've done or what was done to you. God WILL find you and clean you up!  But you have to WANT to be saved from that life and call on Jesus' name. Ask for forgiveness wherever you are...whatever you're doing...Don't let haters shame you out of it! Folks who are still knee deep in it DON'T want to see you get saved so stay away from them and your old stomping grounds. They won't accept or understand. Pray for them and move on...don't try and reason with them.

We live in a cruel, dark and immoral world. Always have but blinders are steadily coming off! Evil is good and Good is evil...it's time to get our lives in order. I know Jesus and God are "uncool" to most and folks will laugh and mock you if you claim them. It's sad but it's true. Remember that most folks on Earth are NOT going to Heaven any way. Most folks out here will never understand you or what you say for they are not meant to. It's NOT because you didn't try hard enough, it's how God made them. They will continue to be blind until THEY want to be saved and accept them. I believe most folks are running, just like Mr. Morgan did. They run from God's Call so they won't get persecuted...because they don't believe in themselves enough for the role he wants to give them....because this Christian life is hard....because it's simply uncool. I'm here to tell you to stop. The Devil wants you to run straight to him-for your soul. Wise up and realize that he's the uncool one!

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