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 Listen With Your Heart      313328 Poems Read

Let Me Ask**

Lord always let me know,
if I should choose a certain way,
That I may never without You,
go about my day.

Remind me to ask You,
if I should take a certain road,
That I may not simply go,
where my wayward feelings bode.

Never let me forget to ask You,
when I need to make an important choice,
to listen for my Holy Spirit's voice,
and in Your faith to always rejoice.

Give me a heavenly nudge,
when certain people before me pass by,
that I forsake my own judgements,
while in prayer I comply.

Help me to withstand,
tragedies that happen all the time,
not wrongfully blaming others,
or even You for the crime.

Let me ask You,
to be with me when I first open my eyes,
and that You be the last one I talk to,
when the day's light dies.

Psalm 5:10-11  "Create in me a pure heart
O God and renew a steadfast spirit within

Susan Hebert Ajaz copyright 2006


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