Rob's Poetry

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So with music and wine
sips soaking the anxiety
stroking the frustration
with house melodies
purging away hopelessness
as u bailed out
for a new squeeze
imperfections decline
my chance at loving you.
you wanted out
so u could fall in love with Mr danger
another sip from the glass
acoustic harmonies everlast
casting out the dirty rotten
there's no jealousy
for the love begotten
the factual incursion
is getting a sun tan
as u become indifferent to my sweetness
and fell into the arms of the wrong man
he's exercising mind control
patriarchy brutally enforced
along with fornication with
others from the female persuasion
I could express sympathy
but some must get their education
the hard way
and unfortunately for you tuition
you're about to pay.
via psychological abuse
and him neglecting your needs
and ancestors know what
he might also do
but what can I do
you just see me as a friend
but u told me that what u wanted to marry
it just wasn't going to work out for us
you said
despite disappointment
your wishes I obliged
and allow you to be seduced
to the dark side.
and there you go
confession shadow boxing
with your ego
and turn into a love TKO
u made the wrong move
now the cost is overbearing
as I sit here with music and wine
you're sharing ur thoughts
on the other line
sobs cause you to stammer
but u made it clear
you want me back
thoughts is entertained
but not welcomed
and can't rehash
feeling of a car crash
if this bliss is remade
what make you believe
you won't attempt to
find another upgrade?
Possibilities are impossible
at the moment
Ceasing the existence
on account of your indifference
to my qualifications
opportunity for us
dwindled to near permanent vacation. never know
what the future holds
but don't expect it.
I clicked her off
music and wine continues to flow
the presence of her spirit
I'm willfully letting go.

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