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As if skyscrapers gawk
as we walk..
fed ex trucks and express buses
say screw pedestrians
holding hands
gliding through
concrete gardens
elevated trains roaring above.

Serenity of ambulance sirens
fire escapes
and transient beggin for change
a bliss sprout over
government housing rooftops.
overlooking bright lights
of massive skylines.

Horse and carriage ride
set the mood
coins tossed in fountains
eyes closed
wishes made
and they came true
because we're together
deep kisses
as car alarms blare.

Romantic strolls
through alleys
cats and rats rummaging
through garbage bins
with an elderly woman
pushing stolen shopping cart
filled with cans and bottles.

My whispers flows
your laughter grows
running toward the subway
briskly across the street
against the "Don't Walk" sign.

Just symbol of life
connected to entities
of our endless groping
we're loving enough
more than enough
in the city.

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