Rob's Poetry

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A Griot speaks....
words circulate
around a small room
and resonating like burning sage
Congas spits sonnets
eyes weep
enlarging pendulums
forcing truth
accepted or not...

A griot speaks.....
once a shorty
in writing workshops
under manmade towers
and prophets' eyes
zero to 1965
he kept pace
of changing face
frowning on self hate
and brutality
plus corruption of lies
and more lies.

A griot speaks.....
spoken word edutainment
live in Long Beach
mecca of free speech
cooling in shades
of the motherland
serenade by bandstands
dancing stanzas
not memorized
so it's read off page.

A griot speaks....
now celebrated
shown respect
for his contributions
challenging status quo
encouraging us to grow
and become our own griots.

To be continued.....

Copyright 2015 R.M.
All Rights Reserved.

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