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Once upon a December

Once Upon a December .... I remember..
The coup surrendered...to the majestic splendour
The right met the wrong... and showed his strong...
Big is the run... But thats the Fun...

Cross the main... and sense the game...
Their in the numbers lie the liers slander
Ripping the real... they talk of legal..
Some... Some turn of momentum...

Hear Hear...of what you clear...
Ecclect Elect and the pauper state
This is when Pied Piper ran ...
With all the mice of kingly dumbs...
who are sleeping on the guinea crumbs

O Piper ....Get thy flute....
Aint no time for dying mute...
You play thy music...
They will dance to the tune....
Give some life to their senses immune....

O Piper ....Get thy flute....
Aint no time for dying mute...
You play thy music...
They will dance to the tune....
Give some life to their senses immune....

So Once upon a December... I remember...
When sleeping giants ...O defiants....
were made to sit at the Synagogue...
And Thus when they were hit by the Demagogue...
Some Said Ah Eyessssssss.....
Some Said Ah Noseeeeee......

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