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    212380 Poems Read.

Order ...Chaos...

Gentle as the breeze
was the sentiments sneeze
Wake up was the call...
I was standing mum in the hall...

... There were creases in that robe
of thousand years elope
Did I miss a question
or the answer was the suggestion

Harp Harp the winds sway
Why does it hold my order in its way...
Leaving chaos in its bind
Breathing Sagacious Sublime

Surreal sonnets did they chime...
or I hear the order of the crime...
Then why does chaos keeps its order
Joining hands they look real brothers

Glue thy caressing serenity
it holds some divinity
Perturbed thus why my reality
wherefore you lock my duality

That springs from some sonic hills
I try caving in to Mnemonic rhymes
why this blessed echoing vibe
Gimme the reason its the order of which tribe

From where Chaos comes as Gail
Leaving nothing of its trail
Hidden inside that mystery veil
is some sonnet ready to hail...???

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