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I keep coming back to the Square...

I was always so clear...
I had one way...
It was easy to walk and tread the day
Life was clear and goal so near...
when did it happen that I met this square...

Three ways from where I came
Four ways if I stand mid way...
I knew the map ...
It said Straight...
From where then this Square take place...
Wondering ..I moved ahead...

How convinced Feeling great..
why did I Stop?
From where did it crop?
Its all in my head...I shrugged off..
What was there in the square..
Why is it coming back as a glare...
I turned back it was standing there...
Did it not say it was straight...
Define Straight said my head...
I mean...whats in front...
Whats in front... A square..

To my horror I was back
Time was passing and I was late..
How could they miss a square in a map..
Venting my anger I said to the square...
How could you just come up on your own?
Why dont you just let the ways work on their own
Your sitting here would never ever help
Now what is it that you stopped my way?
What is it that you want to Say???

I stood there waiting for an answer..
None came up and I was fed up...
So I said Why dont I just take right
And see the tide ...
if I would be wrong I would take left...
One last look to the stupid Square
and I was happy on my way up...

oh! it was a  lovely walk
I could see the angels talk
Blessed Blessed I thanked my God
I was right to take the right
I clapped my hand and danced on my feet
Merry Merry my eyes fell somewhere
Suddenly I saw the square looking back
Not even a hundred feet...
it was calling for a meet...

Now Now I aint going back
Hundred feet more and the sight would be over
Let me move Fast ahead...
Let this square look elsewhere
Whats this news from air...
What is the message that you pass here...
Its gonna rain heavily here...
You cant walk a mile until the days clear...

Heavens sake not again...
I see myself going back again...
Look you square...Its just few hours wait..
Heavens know I took the right gate..
Rain would be over and I resume my path
Dont act as if  you know it all...
when you dont have to say at all...

Sitting on its edge... I took out my pages..
It was something here that I left few ages...
My verses were there but incomplete...
And I thought I had written them off
How sure I had done a good deed...

While it poured on the right..
I was printing again the sight..
It was different...I knew now...
I was not suffocating now...
Thrilled I was at every word..
I was laughing at the rhyming chord...
Was Square trying to avoid the discord..
or I was not missing the Road....  

I realized not when the Sun Went down....
and the day called for the goodbye...
What a Square... Very Lonely Square...
I was the only one who passed by...
Not a human did I see come by...
Are you haunted...Tell me thee...
Why this deserted look of thee...

Moron was I to expect a reply..
Pass the night and see for yourself..
This square wanted me to dare...
Huh! Ever was I afraid of the road ahead
Then why did I not take the left instead...
There you see Moon shines smiling..
Twinkling stars keep calling....
Left looks good.. I shall try...
For I never ran away from the right
But I want to see whats not right...

But It was night I had to stick to the square
which stood quiet and like a lonely bear..
Whats it you have been hiding...Tell me now...
For if you dont.. I will find out somehow...
That puzzled look has a story behind ..
I know I know ...for years you didnt find an ear...
I have this night...I stand by...
Share this silence...what was the violence.....

An hour went and two to the square...
But did square move from his snare...
What a cheek...deserves his state..
why did I ever try that bait?
But then you never give up ...
Said Moon smiling above my head...
Yeah... you stay there ... I will make my way...
This ones lost in some dread...
Doesnt speak what went wrong...
Hides it in a corner very strong...

Bother not ...was a voice behind..
I was amazed someones was speaking..
Alas...squares lips were moving...
So I wont ... if you keep talking..
Lonely Guest...and you keep sulking...
Theres one apple on the fountain patch
You can take and sleep at best...

WOW!I got the apple right...
Eating I went to the fairys flight
I was up when Birdies came calling...
I knew I had to begin it right...
But I had planned for left...
So left be it... I have seen the right...
I will come back...if it does bite...

Thanking Square I took to the left...
I was wary but ecclect...
wondering wandering it looked fun
This route had a symptom
Nothing ever remained permanent...
Everything came and then went away...
Sweep of colours and birdies swish...
it all had a minutes wish...
I kept walking but found Square talking...
Now how could that be...
who was that it was talking to...
I came back rolling to find that

Invain...what a pain...
All that run...and no gain...
Whats wrong with you ...
Who were you talking to...
All night I wished you speak
And when I hit the road again
Somewhere else you sneak

I was calling you....
Theres No one else..
You have seen it....
From where you came...
To the Straight...
To the Right...
and then the Left ...
All roads are there ....
They may go wherever they please...
but at the end of it all
they come back to me...
They can be the way you want...
It only matters where you stand...
I was here not to show you the way...
I was here to keep a stand...
Go and Come back ...Sit and jot from the sack..
Dont ever forget...For those who care...
Life is fair and square...  

Now thats a big word...
Whos gonna be the judge...
I do sometimes...sometimes I dont..
Then wherefore do I take the road...
Come back to the square...and Start again...
Thats getting Fair and Square again..
I know not when am right...when am wrong...
But from then on....
I keep coming back to the square...
I keep coming back to the square...

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