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Its so Messy... to be a Poet....

Its so Messy ..Da Daaaa ...Da ri Da ro do...
Its so Messy ...to be a Poet...
Ahaan !Thots Running like a Duet...
Its soooooo....MESSSY....to be a P-O-E-T!!!
Its So... Messy!!!!

Dreamng of things lovely and clean
In my head theres garbage umpteen
Scattered they spew and Spleen
Clutter...I store a heap of clutter
Lost midway in their beta to Gama...
Mamma...whats that gotta do with my Karma...
Its soooooo Messy.... to be a Poet...
All thots singing a Duet...
Its so Messy.... to be poet..
Di Da ri Da ra Do... its so so Messy!!!

Logic Goes outta brain
I First take right and then go left
Then go back and take a you turn
Cant remember I started somewhere
Now wondering to begin from where???
Here comes Cop and Says...Clear..Clear..
He Knows not Only Thats the Fear...
Its so Messsy.... Di Da RI Da Ra Do...
Its so Messy Messy.... Messy.... to be a Poet...
Thots from a choir to a Duet....
Its so Messy.. di ra da ra Do.......

Tripti...  :)

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