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Pink Bluey Joey and Storm!

Bluey.....Yes pink.....
Bluey.....Yes pink...
Bluey....Yes pink....
...........looks like a storm......
Hmm....engulfin...embracin...scathin...seethin......... Which one is it pink?......
before the genteel breeze forms the storm and am lost in it...

Bluey spoke to d winds...they said no plans....
She turned to d clouds quipped no chance
pink come back frm trans...see joeys nonchalant....
Enjoy breeze enjoy d sun....theres no need to run....

U never know bluey d storms r sly...
They never come wid a warning high...
They creep in slow...their arms in tow..
Alarmed i am wid der deliberate stroll...
Keep in mind my feared call....theres something wid that gentle glow....

Hey hey hold pinks dismay....
We do as friends say...
Joey get up lets go home...
Pink needs some rest at home...

Joey was half asleep ...on d tree trunk deep.....cribbing cold...
hell pink u r a mood spoiler
wats dis new game...
Why dont u go alone...
Let me n bluey enjoy d sun...
... From breeze to storm....the journey is warm...
Running away u miss d rhythm swarm...
Never assume life at same pace...poetry is also just that case

Ah! Thus speaketh master joey
am i supposed to reiterate...
What is big about that storm you take...
One helluva of a maniac that comes
confuses diffuses thunders and bites..
... Who has no course no map no guide..
And then depressed goes away...
Thinking o wat did i do on my way....
Pink keepeth her gentle breeze shes no game for storm ineed

Bluey ....would you just tell her...
to Go away as she pleases...
Or else when Joey is loud
her eyes roll and her tears fall...
...just tell her ... that like life her Poetry too has a life cycle...
and shes got to complete both breeze and storm ...
or else she stays there where shes come from...

Bluey stood quiet trying to decipher...
now where did this come from...
You name the devil and its there...
Ah! the reigning Breeze November
There falls heavens ember.....
... Now where where Pink and you Joey....
While Bluey stands quiet ... you both try your might...
Pink lets go home if you are not well...
Storm or not the sun is down ...
Lets discuss later what would be better...

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