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Waxing Crescent

Waxing Crescent
Oh the slow ascent
Breathtaking mount
Unfolding the divine
Presenting the chalice
... To drink the holy shiny simmering wine

wat does it ferment
how does it filter
crsytal clear holding dear
who helped soak but before wat did it soak
Waxing crescent wanig dissent
Drowsy drunk eyes sipping its content

Did you ferment the twinkling stars
or you soaked them in the clouds of Mars
Or Sun was generous with his drop ferrous
or you leapt at the bemoaning seas cry impetus
Sermon Sepoy Tell me How did you do it...

Fervent seclusion ferrulent intoxication
Stirring strong the stirrup stratum
Roaming aroma settling thin
cauze of the unsettling din within
With each breath drooling in

Sway Sway I dream away...
Waxing Crescent
Oh the Slow ascent

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